A beautiful senmurv countermark
Los 1602
HUNNIC TRIBES, Western Turks. 7th century. Drachm (Silver, 30 mm, 3.42 g, 3 h), imitating a Khosrau II type with the RY 35 (= 625) from the AW (Ohrmazd-Ardaxšēr) mint. Draped and crowned bust of Khosrau II to right; behind head, ‘GDE / ʾp̄zwt’ (‘[may his] glory increase’ in Pahlavi); before head, ‘hwslwb’ = ‘Husraw’ (‘Khosrau’ in Pahlavi); in the outer margin, ‘ʾ[p̄]d’ = ‘abd’ (‘wonderful’ in Pahlavi) with the legendary bird Sēnmurw countermarked on it. Rev. Fire altar with ribbons, flanked by two attendants; above altar, star and crescent; to left, date in Pahlavi; to right, AW (abbreviation for the name of the mint in Pahlavi). Göbl type II/3. Cf. Zeno-149222. A nicely toned example with a beautiful countermark of the mythologial creature. Very fine.

From the collection of Judge Hans-Joachim Specht (1935-2024), started in 1963.

This countermark features a senmurv (simurgh), a mythical bird in Persian mythology with the body of a peacock, the head of a dog, and the claws of a lion.
50 CHF
Aktuelles Gebot:
50 CHF
55 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 16-Mar-25, 12:44:30 CET
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